City of Flippin will be Conducting Regular Maintenance on the Water Tower to Ensure Clean and Safe Drinking Water starting Thursday, February 1, 2024


Flippin, AR – Starting Thursday, February 1, 2024, you may notice water flowing out of the city's water towers and disruption in the water pressure, you might wonder what's happening—no need to worry. Crews are doing regularly scheduled maintenance on the city’s elevated storage tanks. The water tower holds the water you use daily, so we want it to be clean. That process includes draining the water, contractor crews cleaning the towers, washing the outside, and filling the storage tanks back up. There will NOT be a need for a boil order.

The Arkansas Department of Health requires the City to clean and inspect its elevated water storage tanks every three (3) to five (5) years. This keeps the city's towers looking great inside and out to help provide clean and safe drinking water to city customers.

If you have any pressure issues, please contact the Flippin Water Department at (870) 453-8300.

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